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Art Dept. Studios Art Camp is going to look a bit different this summer. There will be more distance between us and more hand washing and no high fives, but what will not change is the way we care for your children. Our counselors are looking forward to seeing all the campers, knowing how much we all need to be together even though we need to stay apart. I am sure the children are looking forward to their summer art camp experience and to being with friends and spending some creative time together. We are still planning on beginning our regular camp season on June 22nd, click to see the steps we are taking to keep our campers and staff safe.
Our regular camp season starts on June 22nd, and below are some of the steps we are taking to keep our campers and staff safe.
1. We will be limiting the number of campers that we allow to attend. Operating at 50% capacity. Because of the limited capacity many camp weeks are already sold out.
2. We will be decreasing our camper to staff ratio. This will be determined by the number of campers enrolled.
3. Open play will be adjusted to structured group activities. Our games and activities will be revised to a no contact format and we will be utilizing the outdoor area as much as the weather will permit.
4. Each camper will have their own space for personal items.
5. A staff member will be responsible for overseeing the increased cleaning and sanitizing of the facility and the equipment.
6. We require all staff members and campers to wear a mask. We have made see through plastic barriers for the camp tables for added protection during snack time and lunch.
7. If a child develops symptoms, they will be isolated, and they will have to be picked up. If your child has a fever, they cannot return until they are fever free for 72 hours without the aid of medicine, as recommended by the CDC. If a staff member develops symptoms, they will be isolated and sent home immediately. They will be unable to return without getting tested for Covid-19 AND being fever free for 72 hours without the aid of medicine.
8. We will have increased hand sanitizer stations, hand washing stations and designated hand-washing times. All campers will be taught and expected to practice proper hand-washing techniques.
9. Lunch and snack times will be adjusted to keep campers physically apart from one another. Tables and chairs will be cleaned and disinfected before and after meals.
10. We will be implementing a curbside drop off and pick-up.
11. We will be canceling all field trips to the studio for the summer. This is other camps that visit our studio as a field trip.
As I receive updates, I will keep everyone informed. Please keep in mind that all this can change at any time and we are doing our best to offer your children a safe and fun camp experience.
If you have not registered, I would encourage you to do so now. We will be limiting the number of campers we accept, and now more than ever children need summer camp. Please know that I am available to answer any questions or concerns. I am looking forward to enjoying a different kind of summer with the campers and cannot wait to make it the best one ever! Take care, stay safe and stay healthy!
We have included a link to the current CDC guidelines for summer camp. Although many of the guidelines primarily pertain to the typical outdoor camp structure, I felt there was a lot of useful information and worth sharing.